Sunday, June 25, 2017

What a fun! ~ Que divertido!

Chris De Aboitz, the owner of these dogs, Millie and Rama, took them out to the beach to catch some waves. They all hopped on a board, paddled out to sea, and rode the waves like pros. In Avalon, NSW, Australia. 
(February, 26, 2016, Video Courtesy Jukin Media)
Link to read the storie:

Chris De Aboitz, o dono dos cachorros Millie e Rama, levou-os para a praia para surfar. Os dois pularam na prancha e se divertiram, surfando como profissionais. Em Avalon, NSW, Austrália. 
(Fevereiro, 26, 2016, Vídeo Cortesia de Jukin Media)
Link para ler a reportagem:


  1. How cool - both my dogs hate water.

  2. Que lindo e divertido e eles sabem direitinho o que querem!
    ADOREI! bjs, chica, linda semana!

  3. That little dog looks like he "hung ten" as surfers say.

  4. What fun - they all look to be having a wonderful time.

  5. Hi Sonia - I've seen one dog surf, but never two and with them moving from one end of the board to the other ... the surfer obviously has very good balance. Loved it - cheers Hilary

  6. I have seen some on You Tube these dogs with their owners paddleboarding. There were even cats that do these.

  7. The dogs seem to be enjoying it. Not a very natural thing for them to do.
