Thursday, January 04, 2007


I found an amazing, awesome site, Wooster Collective, founded in 2001 by Marc and Sarah Schiller and dedicated to showcasing and celebrating ephemeral art placed on streets in cities around the world. You can read the Marc Schiller interview talking about Street Art and Outsider Art, here and here. Through Wooster Collective I found another great site of the artist Mark Jenkins. Today I like to share some of his amazing street works.
“Mark Jenkins, a world-renown street artist has been creating these unique works of art across the globe for the last several years. Based in Washington DC, Marks' process of cling wrap to packing tape is documented on the Tape Sculpture website. The pieces are installed on the street, in nature, for gallery installations, and even as part of a High School project in Elwood, Kansas. Recently, Mark branched out into clothed tape sculptures which gives the pieces an eery yet comical emptiness.” (information from Jungle Life San Francisco)

On Wooster Collective you can see How to Make a Plastic Bag Eating Giraffe

Praia de Copacabana, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

Rua Pompeu Loureiro, Copacabana, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil (2003)

"In the words of Mark Jenkins: Making casts with tape is a trick I figured out how to do in the fourth grade but didn't make a full-time project out of it until 2003 when I started doing street and gallery installations with the Tape Men in Rio de Janeiro. "( information from Jungle Life San Francisco)

Mark Jenkins series "Embeds", the sculptures are made of tape and then clothes are added. You can see the video on Wooster Collective, and it’s great fun to see how people react to them.

Mark Jenkins street art

Update 1: The first experience in plastic wrap and tape made by Mark Jenkins was made in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, in 2003. Take a look in this Wasington Post's interview.

Update 2: My friend and painter Nancy Bea gave me an interesting information about the work of the artist Duane Hanson (January 17, 1925 - January 6, 1996). He was an American post-modern sculptor known for his life-sized photorealistic works of humans, cast in various materials, including polyester resin and fiberglass. Worth to take a look here and here.

Click on photos to enlarge


  1. Hi Sonia,
    I visited your blog after your comment on mine. I like your blog very much and will visit it every day. I like seeing other countries. I've never been to Brazil but my children have and loved it .

  2. Sonia, thank you for posting this street art. Some of the sculptures made me laugh out loud! Your blog is very enjoyable - beautiful photos!

  3. You have my attention! I love this stuff!
    You know I'll see those annoying bluish 'Wal-Mart' bags in a bush miles from one and think, "Gee, it really has taken over America"

  4. Sonia

    Que fotos primeiras de que material são feitas?
    Essa semana eu estava fazendo umas fotos lá em Pouso Alegre e só não tive a máquina roubada, porque meu marido estava no carro e o assaltante percebeu...foi questão de segundos...e vc sabe que eu nem´percebi a aproximação dele?
    Tá doido, não podemos nem fazer fotos mais...isso é porque era em Minas...rsss...
    Sonia Novaes

  5. Estou sem palavras........nunca vi coisa igual! Boa descoberta! Beijos e feliz ano novo!

  6. These are fabulous Sonia...I am going to go to all the links you included...! How did you ever discover these? They are really AONDERFUL WONDERFUL!!!
    Thank You, dear Sonia for introducing me to this fantastic Artist!

  7. Ops! Foi só perguntar e veio essa BELÍSSIMA postagem! Boa escolha, ótimas...como chama-las? esculturas?intervensão?, art na rua? o nome não importa, o que é certo é o espanto e o inédito, ou surpresa e susto! Muito boa, agora pode ficar uma semana sem nada novo. essa valeu. Parabéns!

  8. Sonia , obrigado pela dica do bloglines. Vou tentar instalar. Faço como vc disse: perco muito tempo atras de NOVAS postagens!

  9. Hallo S. Thankyou, thankyou! What an amazing site and idea. This is going on my favourites list. You are a wonder.

  10. How fascinating! Thanks for the links, Sonia.

  11. Sonia,atendendo seu pedido hoje postamos no VARAL a História do Carvãozinho!Abraços,

  12. Great, realy great! And so special!


  13. Wonderful ! Absolutely great ! I know how to make sculptures in paper but have never seen it in plastic. I wished I could have seen people's faces !

    I moved with an overloaded truck to "new" Blogger ! I had to, but I don't see much difference !

  14. Sonia, essas fotos em Copacabana são com esculturas que estavam mesmo aqui, ou é aplique de Photoshop ?
    Adorei todas, mas as de Copa me animaram a sair fazendo umas coisas malucas assim nas ruas.

  15. Like a Duane Hanson of the streets! Boa descoberta!

  16. Jôka, estas intervenções na praia de Copacabana e o boneco no caminhão são mesmo reais! O curioso é que li que a idéia de fazer figuras com fita adesiva surgiu quando Jenkins estava passando uma temporada no Rio de Janeiro. Sua primeira experiência foi um espermatozóide gigante (esse da foto) que "nadou" na praia de Copacabana em 2003. Mais sobre o início de suas experiências aqui na matéria do Washington Post:

    Estou também curiosa para ver suas intervenções em Copacabana!

  17. Nancy Bea, I've never heard of Duane Hanson. Thanks for the information! Obrigada pela informação! I Google him and here I post two links to the artist:
    Duane Hanson (January 17, 1925 - January 6, 1996) was an American post-modern sculptor known for his life-sized photorealistic works of humans, cast in various materials, including polyester resin and fiberglass.

  18. Sonia, parece que o material é de plástico transparente.

  19. Obrigado amigos, pelos comentários! Esse retorno é um grande incentivo!

  20. How clever these are! Thanks for sharing Sonia. xox

  21. Sonia,
    I'm sorry I haven't been by in a while, but life has been so busy here. I loved seeing these unusual works of art!
    You always have the most interesting posts...

  22. That's so amazing ... and some are very strange! Happy New Year, Sonia.

  23. These are incredible pieces of street art. Downtown L.A. has a big project called Art in Public Places, but most of it is sculpture/art from well known artists. Thanks for sharing this.

  24. Hi Sonia
    Sorry its been a while since my last visit,I Still have family visiting me over our Chistmas Holidays. Schools here have 6 weeks holidays and most manufactureres have 4 weeks you see Christmas here is a busy time for family holidays. love you plastic bag site, ill be back blogging regular

  25. That street art is truly amazing!
    Fabulous indeed.
    Love Jeanne ^j^

  26. Sonia,

    Thanks for visiting today. I'm glad I checked out your blog! I have never seen such interesting art and really enjoyed it. Keep bringing the extraordinary to everyone!

  27. This is really fascinating and I see from all your commentors that you have captured everyone!

  28. Wow, that is so fascinating!! The ones with clothes look so real!! I'm going to check out the links! Thanks Sonia!!

  29. It amazes me how people even think of things like this to do...if only I could be so creative! The phone and puppies in the garbage were my favorites! How neat!

  30. You know how I feel about all these Sonia,....LOVE LOVE LOVE them!!!

    You might check out George Segal's work, too...He did life size figures---single gifures and tableaux as well as other combinations....Very amazing work, too!
    Thanks for posting all these, my dear...I just love that Mark Jenkins....!

  31. Thanks for the visit Sonia and for voting for Whitney...I hope she wibs, too!

    I hope you are able to find some of the Segal constructions...They are quite amazing, too!

  32. These are great fun, Sonia. Thanks for posting. I agree with oldoldlady - Segal sculptures are wonderful. Also check out great realistic sculptures by J. Seward Johnson.

  33. These are wonderful! Thank you for showing them to us, Sonia.

  34. These are wonderful! Thank you for introducing us to them, Sonia

  35. Wow, what amazing photos. The ideas some people have are incredible. Thanks for sharing.
    Hope the new year has been good for you so far. Apologies for not having dropped by before now.
    Have a magical weekend.
    Take care, Meow

  36. Sonia apesar do grande sucesso desta POSTAGEM, estamos querendo mais....

  37. Some of these sculptures are eerie. Interesting post. And thanks for visiting my site.

  38. Very interesting sculpturing. I think the most interesting one is the man with his head in the wall. In Paris, in the Montmartre area, there is an iron "man" coming out of a wall which is always a show stopper.
